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DicomWorks Download PC/Windows ⊳

DicomWorks is a useful and reliable software solution whose main purpose is to help users, specially radiologists, to work with DICOM files by organizing, managing and analyzing them.
These DICOM files (known also as Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) are mostly used to store, handle, print and transmit information in medical imaging and can be easily exchanged between two entities that are capable of receiving patient data in DICOM format.
Adopting a straightforward approach, the application comes with a user-friendly interface and with well-organized menus. By accessing the ‘Patients List’ menu you are able to open a new DICOM file or archive, or inspect recent directories. However, if the file you want to open is a DICOM image, you can try the ‘Dicom Creation’ module.
After the application recognizes the file or the archive that contains multiple DICOM images, you are able to view all the contained files and navigate through them with ease.
The right panel displays all the available DICOM files and allows you to move back and forth using the proper navigation buttons that are displayed each time you hover the mouse on the current image. What’s more, you can preview two DICOM files at the same time by changing the display mode to two or four images.
In case you want to edit patient data, you just have to navigate to the Tools menu and access the ‘Edit or Anonymize DICOM tags’ option. You are able to modify details such as patient name, study description or supposed diagnosis.
Another important option that will ease your work is that you can add a new FTP server using the application. Simply specify the server’s FTP address and user credentials, then upload all the DICOM files you want.
The Export function is very complex since it comes with a built-in wizard that allows you to choose which files you want to export and set their destination file format and location, while keeping the same quality. After that, you can change the picture dimensions and the quality according to your needs, then choose to compress all the selected files in a single ZIP archive and save it to a specific location.
Although it does not memorize your current session, being required to open a DICOM file or archive each time your launch the application, it can be very useful for users who need to simply analyze DICOM files, then upload them to a FTP server.
Overall, DicomWorks makes a good impression and comes in handy for users who need to open DICOM files, analyze them, change patient data then upload to server or share them with other colleagues.







DicomWorks Crack Keygen Full Version Free Download

• Organize and view multiple DICOM files in a single window.
• Import multiple DICOM files to be viewed in a single window.
• Anonymize DICOM tags (including names, descriptions, and other mandatory tags).
• Preview multiple DICOM files at the same time.
• Edit or anonymize DICOM tags.
• Preview and save files in various formats such as JPEG, TIFF, PNG, PSD, PDF, GIF, and BMP.
• Import files from various locations.
• Import files from FTP servers.
• Support for all major DICOM interpreters.
• Edit DICOM tags.
• Edit DICOM data.
• Read DICOM files from File Explorer, or from many other DICOM clients.
• Read DICOM files from archives.
• Automatically create DICOM files from image files.
• Export DICOM files.
• Compress DICOM files into single files.
• Add DICOM files to the explorer.
• Copy DICOM files between several locations (local and FTP).
• Filter DICOM files by name and tag.
• Filter DICOM files by type.
• Save results to disk.
• Export results to File Explorer, archive, or FTP server.
• Preview multiple DICOM files at the same time.
• Export as JPEG, TIFF, PSD, GIF, PNG, BMP, and PDF.
• Compress DICOM files into single ZIP archives.
• Automatically create ZIP archives from image files.
• Convert DICOM images into DICOM format.
• Import images from DICOM viewers.
• Import images from files.
• Import images from archives.
• Import images from files.
• Import images from archives.
• Anonymize images.
• Anonymize DICOM tags.
• Anonymize patient data.
• Add a new FTP server.
• Import files from FTP servers.
• Compress DICOM files into single archives.
• Import DICOM files from all known FTP servers.
• Import DICOM files from local folders.
• Import DICOM files from archives.
• Import DICOM files from archives.
• Import DICOM files from directories.
• Import DICOM files from files.
• Import DIC

DicomWorks Crack + [Mac/Win]

KeyMACRO is a useful and reliable software application whose main purpose is to help users, especially doctors and other medical professionals, to work with DICOM files by organizing, managing and analyzing them. These DICOM files are mainly used to store, handle, print and transmit information in medical imaging and can be easily exchanged between two entities that are capable of receiving patient data in DICOM format.
Adopting a straightforward approach, the application comes with a user-friendly interface and with well-organized menus. By accessing the ‘Patients List’ menu you can open a new DICOM file or archive, or inspect recent directories.

It is now possible to export all the DICOM data into a file with a commonly used file format such as DICOM, PS, PNG, JPEG, GIF, etc.
You can also export the selected DICOM files to specific folders or to a ZIP archive, and modify their quality or file dimensions. You can even create a new FTP server using the application.
After the application recognizes the DICOM files, you can view all the contained files and navigate through them with ease.
A right panel displays all the available DICOM files and allows you to move back and forth using the proper navigation buttons that are displayed each time you hover the mouse on the current image.
You can preview two DICOM files at the same time by changing the display mode to two or four images.
What’s more, you can modify patient data such as patient name, study description or supposed diagnosis.
Another important option that will ease your work is that you can add a new FTP server using the application.

You can also import DICOM files from a ZIP archive or FTP server.
As an alternative, you can import DICOM files to any folder on your hard drive.
You can also preview a specific image and then export it to a selected folder or to a specific file format (PS, JPEG, GIF, PNG, DICOM, etc.).
You can even duplicate a DICOM file to any folder or to a specific file format.
You can also change the picture dimensions and quality according to your needs, and choose to compress all the selected files in a single ZIP archive and save it to a specific location.
You can export your current session or use KeyMACRO for Windows as a background process.
You can also share DICOM files with other colleagues using both an FTP server and a

DicomWorks Crack+

DicomWorks is a useful and reliable software solution whose main purpose is to help users, specially radiologists, to work with DICOM files by organizing, managing and analyzing them.
These DICOM files (known also as Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) are mostly used to store, handle, print and transmit information in medical imaging and can be easily exchanged between two entities that are capable of receiving patient data in DICOM format.
Adopting a straightforward approach, the application comes with a user-friendly interface and with well-organized menus. By accessing the ‘Patients List’ menu you are able to open a new DICOM file or archive, or inspect recent directories. However, if the file you want to open is a DICOM image, you can try the ‘Dicom Creation’ module.
After the application recognizes the file or the archive that contains multiple DICOM images, you are able to view all the contained files and navigate through them with ease.
The right panel displays all the available DICOM files and allows you to move back and forth using the proper navigation buttons that are displayed each time you hover the mouse on the current image. What’s more, you can preview two DICOM files at the same time by changing the display mode to two or four images.
In case you want to edit patient data, you just have to navigate to the Tools menu and access the ‘Edit or Anonymize DICOM tags’ option. You are able to modify details such as patient name, study description or supposed diagnosis.
Another important option that will ease your work is that you can add a new FTP server using the application. Simply specify the server’s FTP address and user credentials, then upload all the DICOM files you want.
The Export function is very complex since it comes with a built-in wizard that allows you to choose which files you want to export and set their destination file format and location, while keeping the same quality. After that, you can change the picture dimensions and the quality according to your needs, then choose to compress all the selected files in a single ZIP archive and save it to a specific location.
Although it does not memorize your current session, being required to open a DICOM file or archive each time your launch the application, it can be very useful for users who need to simply analyze DICOM files, then upload them to a FTP server.

What’s New In DicomWorks?

DicomWorks is a useful and reliable software solution whose main purpose is to help users, specially radiologists, to work with DICOM files by organizing, managing and analyzing them.
These DICOM files (known also as Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) are mostly used to store, handle, print and transmit information in medical imaging and can be easily exchanged between two entities that are capable of receiving patient data in DICOM format.
Adopting a straightforward approach, the application comes with a user-friendly interface and with well-organized menus. By accessing the ‘Patients List’ menu you are able to open a new DICOM file or archive, or inspect recent directories. However, if the file you want to open is a DICOM image, you can try the ‘Dicom Creation’ module.
After the application recognizes the file or the archive that contains multiple DICOM images, you are able to view all the contained files and navigate through them with ease.
The right panel displays all the available DICOM files and allows you to move back and forth using the proper navigation buttons that are displayed each time you hover the mouse on the current image. What’s more, you can preview two DICOM files at the same time by changing the display mode to two or four images.
In case you want to edit patient data, you just have to navigate to the Tools menu and access the ‘Edit or Anonymize DICOM tags’ option. You are able to modify details such as patient name, study description or supposed diagnosis.
Another important option that will ease your work is that you can add a new FTP server using the application. Simply specify the server’s FTP address and user credentials, then upload all the DICOM files you want.
The Export function is very complex since it comes with a built-in wizard that allows you to choose which files you want to export and set their destination file format and location, while keeping the same quality. After that, you can change the picture dimensions and the quality according to your needs, then choose to compress all the selected files in a single ZIP archive and save it to a specific location.
Although it does not memorize your current session, being required to open a DICOM file or archive each time your launch the application, it can be very useful for users who need to simply analyze DICOM files, then upload them to a FTP server.
Overall, DicomWorks makes a good impression and comes in handy for users who need to open DICOM files, analyze them, change patient data then upload to server or share them with other colleagues.

Document (zipped file) S30 – Standalone GUI application using Qt/C++ 3.

System Requirements:

(i) a 32-bit Intel or AMD x86 compatible processor
(ii) Microsoft Windows 7, Windows Vista, or Windows XP SP2, 64-bit edition
(iii) 16.0 GB or more of available hard-disk space for the operating system
(iv) 1 GB RAM
(v) at least 2 GB of available hard-disk space for installed programs
(vi) a multi-card reader (with capability to hold two picture cards)
(vii) a standard PC speaker or headphones
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